After Mr. Bates passed away, Gulliver's business began to fail. Thus, he decided to go back to sea and work as a ship's surgeon. This is why he originally went to sea.
However, at the end of book 1, Gulliver accidentally meets a ship going back to England and decides to go back to his native country.
South Africans
May 10, 1994 was when he spoke as the leader of his country where he and other Black South Africans became equal citizens
Do not get confused with his speech in '64 v '94. '64 was to the leaders of the world, but, '94 was him speaking to himself and his people about their freedom in a democratic society.
The use of strong descriptors makes everyday citizens sound like accomplished heroes.
Roosevelt wants the regular citizen to feel seen and valued. When there is a war, it is not only the soldiers who have to make sacrifices - although they are indeed making the greatest sacrifice of all, which is risking their own lives. People of a country at war must face the challenge of going through rationing. They must give up their own comfort so that the country will have the necessary resources to keep on battling.
ummm ok for you