2. The first sentence of a summary states the title and the author of the text.
It is stank. stank is the past form
Answer: Look for clues
Explanation: Look for the Main idea helps you find the meaning of the passage.
14 Green Meadows,
22nd June, 2020.
Dear James,
How are you doing? How are the kids? I know Sally is keeping the house lively, because i know that left to you and little Michael, that house would be more silent than a graveyard.
I traveled down to Connecticut to visit my cousin just to have a change of scenery and so far I've had quite an experience here. The food is different, the weather is hotter down here and it appears there is a higher crime rate here. I'm adjusting nicely though.
I attended a football game last weekend and it was really fun. Connecticut is a fun place to be in, provided you don't stay out after 11, haha.
I have a date with a gorgeous lady tomorrow, i met her at the football game. She was supporting the home team though, but this shows that opposites attract, right?
I would be going back to California next week though, i would make a brief stop to see my brother before completing the journey home.
Greet Sally and Michael for me, tell them i would come over for Thanksgiving and that i love them. Take care, James.
Yours faithfully,
finds synonyms and sometimes antonyms of words.