C, frequent winter storms.
In the northeast, it usually does not experience tornadoes, it has low humidity and an average amount of rainfall. But the northeast has a lot of winter storms.
The railroad tracks are parallel, because they go the same direction and don't intersect
There are 50 states in the United States of America
Answer: D
By 2100 Global warming would have more than double as the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere does not seem to abase. The industrial zone of Pittsburgh, US contributes a lot to the increase in the atmospheric temperatures of the surrounding areas. The continually high demand for wood charcoal by pharmaceutical companies, households, and food vendors in developing countries would mean more deforestation which consequently expose the earth's crust to high insolatoon from the solar system.
However, the replacement of natural landscape by human landscape is on the rise. In the UAE, Dubai alone has u number of construction projects, from skyscrappers to artificial islands. More trees would be removed to make these construction projects possible. The consequent effect of all these cannot be anything other than more warming of the globe.