It will follow a general noun and is not set off by commas is true regarding a restrictive adjectival clause. Since this clause is restrictive, it means it is essential for the meaning of the noun and cannot be excluded.
I mean , I'm not going to lie
The Importance Of Reading. Reading is an exercise for the mind. It helps kids calm down and relax, opening doors of new knowledge to enlighten their minds. Kids who read grow up to have better cognitive skills.
B: will have no heirs to the throne
woooooww... I lovee this!! It's so good and meaningful! <3. It seems deep and sad too. Sometimes writing poems is a way to let out how your feeling. That's what I always told myself. It's perfect! It's a poem you wrote. There reallly isn't anything wrong. No one can say it's wrong because poems are for expressing feelings!..
Good job! Writing poems are always fun!.. Hope all is well and have a wonderful day! <33
"You were born to be real, not perfect"