Answer: In his day, Benjamin Franklin was Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Mark Zuckerberg, and Henry Ford, all rolled into one. Here’s a look at his most enduring innovations and inventions on January 17, Franklin 's birthday. Like the above-mentioned people, Franklin invented his own widely used devices, or found innovative ways to improve on other people’s inventions. His reputation as a scientist, inventor, author, and statesman extended to Europe, where the French considered Franklin a Renaissance man. The British, after Franklin endorsed revolution against the crown, considered him a dangerous traitor with a price on his head. In his public life of public service, Franklin’s last great contribution came as a quiet but powerful influence at the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.Of course, Franklin also had his own media empire, and he was a postmaster, politician, firefighter, musician, and expert swimmer, among many things.
Ben Franklin was a great man