*The two cellular structure that work together to synthesize, modify and transport macromolecules within the cell is endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus.
*The endoplasmic reticulum is a synthesis and transport organelle that branches into the cytoplasm in the plant and the animal cell.
*The golgi apparatus is a multi compartmentalized organelle where where the synthesized molecules are packaged for delivery to the other cell components or for the secretion from the cells.
<span>Extraction of DNA is important because of many reasons. With the ability to remove DNA from an organism, scientists can observe, manipulate, and classify the DNA.
Scientists can identify genetic disorders or diseases from studying DNA.
Scientists can possibly find cures for these causes by manipulating or experimenting with this DNA.
Scientists can accurately sort organisms into classes because of DNA uniqueness. If we didn't have DNA extraction, it would be a lot harder to decide which organisms are different from each other.
Scientists can genetically engineer some organisms to produce beneficial things. A common example is that of insulin. Scientists can genetically engineer insulin production so that people with diabetes can live longer.</span>
The right answer is false.
Lobotomy is a brain operation that cuts or alters the white matter of a brain lobe. It is now banned in many countries and is no longer considered a good practice in today's medicine.
The lobotomy was performed in psychosurgery with the aim of interrupting certain neural circuits to treat mental illnesses, schizophrenia, epilepsy and even chronic headaches before declining in the 1950s with the advent of the first neuroleptics.
The plastic trash gets transported all through the planet with the help of ocean currents. The term Great Pacific Garbage Patch was first named by Captain Charles Moore. He found that huge intact substances like cups, bottles, boxes, bags, and fishing nets, and other millions of smaller pieces of plastic over an estimated region covering about 650000 to 16000000 square kilometers.
The garbage patches are witnessed in the oceans of the world wherever there is gyre. The gyres refer to the enormous circulating regions of water comprising the prime surface currents of the globe, mediated by the existing winds. The plastics would have got caught up in a gyre and would have been ended up in a region, known as the garbage patch.
The currents present in the gyre take in the floating substance from around the periphery and trap it in the center. The currents and waves dissociate the plastic components into smaller pieces, however, it never goes away, and gets transported to different regions with the help of currents.
The ocean currents mediate and transport useful things like organic nutrients, heat energy, and marine species from one location to another of the planet. However, at the same time, they can also transport other unnecessary floating things like plastic garbage.
The plastic, mainly the larger pieces that float on the surface are transported at a faster rate than the water present beneath it, this is because the wind that moves the current also moves the plastic. In this sense, the plastic is flowing freely all over the ocean surfaces of the globe.