The French Revolution, and more importantly its aftermath, resulted in the first major split in American national politics, which later grew and ended up in the first party system.
Thomas Jefferson, along with his followers, was pro-French, while Alexander Hamilton, John Adams and their associates were anti-French Revolution.
United States of America fought an undeclared war with the rise of Napoleon, pro-British a series of naval skirmishes known as the Quasi-War, with the Directory in 1798.
Hernán Cortés, who was a coquistador and found the Aztec Empire and was viewed as a god because of when he arrived their god also was supposed to arrive.
The correct answer is Czechoslovakian leader Alexander Dubcek
Socialism with a human face was a policy of mild democratization and political that was aimed at helping the Communist Party to maintain real power. Alexander Dubček announced this political program at the Presidium of Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on April 1968
a place where people have a similar history and culture
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