The Exposition is the part of a story when the reader introduced to the background, characters, and setting.
The exposition is the first part of a book where you get to know the characters and the actual story hasn't started yet.
They are: who, which, whom, what and whose. These are also known as wh-words.
Beowulf says Grendel has no weapon <span />just his cunning and strength.Beowulf says he will fight the monster on those terms.
Bud's ability has changed for the better, contributing greatly to his courage to go looking for his father.
When Bud went to live with the Amoses, he was very afraid to impose himself, to defend himself and to be faithful to his own wishes. In this case, he behaved with great passivity, which contributed to the Amoses being extremely abusive towards him and promoting a completely inhospitable and unpleasant environment. This allowed Bud to understand, that acting the way others wanted did not protect him from anything, but left him in a disadvantageous position and so he decided to impose himself, take courage and face everything that tried to destabilize him.