In his farewell address, President George Washington warn against becoming overly involved with foreign politics.
In his Farewell Address, Washington warned against foreign influence in domestic affairs and US interference in European affairs. He warned against bitter partisanship in domestic politics and urged men to go beyond partisanship and serve the common good. He warned against "permanent alliances with any part of the outside world," and said the United States should focus primarily on American interests. He advised friendship and trade with all nations, but cautioned against participating in European wars and entering into long-term "entanglements" of alliances.
The Farewell Address quickly established the values of America regarding religion and foreign affairs.
The supreme leaders of the DPRK have been Kim Il-sung, his son Kim Jong-il, and his grandson Kim Jong-un.
Hope this helps
This is part of an answer someone had to this same question.
<span>The answer was true.
In the North, industry was now growing and from its growth many Northern
States became wealthy. It also ushered
in progressive ideas where many believe that is better to hire workers and pay
them well rather than keep slaves for labor.
Those who work for better pay get more done than those who are in
bondage. Slavery closed the minds of
people in the South. Apart from clinging
to an outdated system, slavery is a cruel trade wherein people are treated like
property and made to serve others against their will. Because they didn’t have enough industries,
they fell behind the North.</span>