yes, it is.
War is inevitable due to the fact that history of humanity is filled with wars and these wars continue even in modern times.
With steerage from the expert, the intervention affords a planned possibility to provide help and result in the desired changes. An intervention may be direct or oblique.
Economic factors including especially the level of technology attained by a particular society and the economic relations into which men enter on the basis of that technology exert a decisive influence on the course of political, social, and intellectual evolution is known as economic interpretation.
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States argues that the structure of the Constitution of the United States was motivated primarily by the personal financial interests of the Founding Fathers; Beard contends that the authors of The Federalist Papers represented an interest group themselves.
Basically, Beard argued that the U.S. Constitution was adopted in order to protect the rights and interests of the wealthy, upper-class members of society. The 'Founding Fathers' were members of this upper-class group.