By wading into the highly contentious issue of Native American nicknames and mascots for college sports teams on Friday, National Collegiate Athletic Association leaders achieved their stated aim of sending a clear message that they object to such imagery. But the NCAA also created a cacophony of confusion and put the association in the potentially uncomfortable position of judging when Native American references are “hostile” and “abusive” and when they’re not – questions that could take months, and possibly help from the courts, to resolve.
Four years after the NCAA began looking into the subject, its executive committee announced that beginning in February, it would limit participation in its own postseason championships for 18 colleges and universities with Native American mascots, nicknames or other imagery that the association deemed "hostile and abusive."
The NCAA said that (1) it would no longer let such institutions play host to its national tournaments; (2) colleges already scheduled to sponsor such events would have to eliminate any references to the Indian imagery from the arenas or stadiums; (3) such colleges could not bring mascots, cheerleaders or any other people or paraphernalia that feature Native American imagery to NCAA championships, beginning in 2008; and (4) athletes may not wear uniforms or other gear with "hostile and abusive" references at NCAA tournament events. (The NCAA’s actions don’t directly affect bowl games, which the association does not control, or anything that happens in the regular season.)
No the narrator probably wouldn’t have killed the old man. when the narrator snuck into the old mans room late at night the old man was always asleep so the narrator couldn’t see his eye which don’t bother the narrator. The narrator even said he loved the old man it was just his “evil eye” bothering him
Answer: ”Chapter 7 discusses the concept of addiction and the experiments around it. Previous studies have been of rats in cages and monkeys strapped into chairs. Results indicated that rats would choose heroin over food until they died. Dr. Alexander wished to know if the simple addictive nature of drugs was enough to explain this. Perhaps these outcomes were more a product of the rats and monkey's environment...”
Explanation: Got this from a website...