A cataract is an area of a river where the elevation of the streambed changes too quickly or has to many boulders meaning people couldn't use part of the river as transportation.
This was a good thing because the cataracts effectively served as barriers so they could control travel. This meant that the Pharos found it impossible to control the land south of the first cataract. This ending up becoming the southern border of Ancient Egypt.
Hope this helped ☺️
<span>An economic indicator shows the measurement to determine and
analyze the economic progress and performance of a country. Examples of this are consumer price index,
inflation, industrial production, bankruptcies, gross domestic product, retail
sales, stock market prices, money supply changes and unemployment rate. How these indicators perform depends on the
effectiveness of the policies and programs being implemented by the government’s
economic institutions. If these policies
help in the improvement of the country’s economic development then it will be
reflected in these indicators. Same can
be said if it is not effective.</span>
Conocimientos, creencias y valores, arte, leyes, educación, gastronomía, vestimenta, tradiciones, costumbres y toda clase de habilidades y hábitos adquiridos por los seres humanos, en tanto miembros de una sociedad en particular.
La cultura es un proceso en el cual interactúan formando un todo coherente, una serie de elementos, así como los mencionados arriba.
~Hello there!
Your question: Which oceans have the greatest number of rivers flowing into them?
Your answer: Atlantic and the Indian ocean have the greatest number of rivers flowing into them.
Hope this helps! :3
Muslim Arabs</span>