A trapezoid is a type of quadrilateral that has an opposite pair of parallel sides; at lest, that definition seems pretty accurate to me.
Subsoil: This layer has normally less organic matter than the A horizon, so its colour is mainly derived from iron oxides. Iron oxides and clay minerals accumulate as a result of weathering. In a soil, where substances move down from the topsoil, this is the layer, where they accumulate.
Note: This information has been taken out of a website.
I mean you could memorize them and then test yourself on the locations, and those you forgot you can keep practicing them
you can also use the key, which is where certain places have a specific sign to that area, that probably didnt make sense...
The term that takes into consideration "how humans adapt to and modify the environment is human-environment interaction. Correct answer:C
The term denotes the interactions between the human social system and his environment (the erst of the ecosystem). These interactions include how humans depend on the environment, how humans modify the environment and the way humans adapt to the environment.