As tom grow older he begins to worry about his external soul so he turn to church attendance.
The Alchemist concludes with Santiago at the end of his journey across the sea and sands, back to where he started, dreaming under a sycamore tree. That is until the last line of the novel, "I'm coming, Fatima..." (Epilogue.13); This line shows that Santiago's journey is not yet done and that he will continue to travel even after the end of the novel.
You're never going to make it home if it starts raining.
The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) provided $500 million ($9.88 billion today) for relief operations by states and cities, while the short-lived CWA gave locals money to operate Make-work projects in 1933–1934. The Securities Act of 1933 was enacted to prevent a repeated stock market crash.
Outcome: Reform of Wall Street; relief for farm...
Organized by: President Franklin D. Roose