Number of Radiographs
The following information is placed on a film mount:
1.Use a silver pencil and properly label the film holder before actually mounting the films.
2.Write clearly and legibly: + Patients full name + Date of exposure. (Won't necessarily need to document this info. in a dental office, however at CCD it is a requirement to notate the name of the prescribing dentist + radiographer's name)
3.For Digital: The computer automatically labels the "mount" with the patients name, and date. 4.The student radiographer needs to add the name of the prescribing dentist and their name in the clinical notes under "A" of Adpie.
Therefore Number of radiographs is not part of the information required
Tendon, tissue that attaches a muscle to other body parts, usually bones. Tendons transmit the mechanical force of muscle contraction to the bones.
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The characteristic of human goals that is responsible for their "energizing effect" is that, by involving a series of created expectations and their emotional connection with the person, they are adrenaline-generating.
Adrenaline is a hormone that is released in large quantities in conditions that are perceived by the body as threatening to survival and therefore cause stress. Often this is accompanied by fear and anger. Cold, heat, hunger, thirst, pain, physical exertion and other things that disturb the balance in the body can also increase adrenaline production.
One of the best ways to increase physical activity is through <u>Walking</u> because it does not require special facilities or expensive equipment and is the most popular form of activity among those who meet the U.S. government's recommended exercise goals.
Physical activity decreases the risk of disease and increases well-being. Most people are engaged in physical activities that require gym facilities and other equipment. Physical activities other than the gym which do not require skills and equipment are - walking, running, jogging, etc., are more beneficial to all groups of children and old adults. Daily walking can reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, anxiety, and blood pressure and improves memory, stamina also improves quality of life.
Learn more about Physical activities here,
The stationary bicycle is the most appropriate training modality because it is a non-weight-bearing exercise. The time that the individual exercises on the stationary bicycle is increased with improved functional capacity. The other exercise equipment requires exercising while standing