Pectoralis minor
Pecoralis minor is a thin, triangular muscle lies beneath the pectoralis major muscle. This muscle arises from the third ribs, fourth and fifth ribs.
The pectoralis muscles fans out from the shoulder upper ribs area. This muscle is involved in the coracoid process of scapula. The pectoralis muscle helps in the depression point of the shoulder.
Thus, the correct answer is option (D).
The correct answer is D.
Papillary muscles, attached via chordae tendineae, help to close the valves and prevent regurgitation.
Pectinate muscles are parallel ridges in the walls of the atrium of the heart, mainly in right atrium. They can stretch during adverse loading conditions, to <em>help the right atrium to dilate without much wall stres</em>s.
this is misdemeanor by shonda
sorry I don't know pla
Aqui começa a trajetória do bebê dentro da barriga da mãe. Neste momento ele é uma minúscula bolinha formada por centenas de células que se multiplicam freneticamente. Quando essa bolinha de células (chamada blastocisto) se assentar no útero, a parte dela que se transformará na placenta vai começar a produzir o hormônio da gravidez (gonadotrofina coriônica humana, hCG). O hCG é o hormônio detectado nos testes de gravidez.
The answer is Bloodletting