Answer: eres(ser) or estàs(estar)
1. ¿Usas el celular todos los días?
2. ¿Usas el cargador todos los días?
3. ¿Usas la computadora todos los días?
4. ¿ Usas la tableta todos los días?
Bro you have to put the complete question to help u!
You are lucky because spanish is my 1st language and I live in Latin America.
Well ... what I have learned from the Spanish culture is that in Latin America the festivities are used a lot and they like to spend a lot of time with their families, there are also different accents in Spanish, it can be "Español Castellano" or "Español Latino", although There are places like Colombia and Venezuela that say they speak: Spanish, but they have different accents, that's one of the things that I like there. In Latin America are 20 countries and I like everyone to have their usual life and different dances. Something that I also like a lot is the music from there, like for example the anthem of mexico, I think I think it expresses a lot about the country and about what happened in the Mexican Revolution. And this is something that I have learned from Spanish and the culture of Latin America and the Spanish language.
Mi programa favorito.
Mi programa de televisión favorito es "friends", es una comedia de los años noventas y trata de seis amigos que viven en Nueva York y afrontan todo tipo de situaciones mientras asumen su nueva etapa de la vida como adultos. Me gusta mucho porque es divertida y suelo reírme mucho con las cosas que les suceden, pero también porque a veces me siento identificada (Identificado en masculino) con las cosas que deben enfrentar. Es una de las mejores series de la televisión y este año cumple 25 años de haber sido emitida.
En esta serie iniciaron su carrera en la actuación diversos actores y actrices muy conocidos como Jennifer Aniston o Corney Cox quienes se han desenvuelto en otros papeles importantes del cine y la televisión.
Por esto y muchas otras cosas "Friends" es mi serie favorita de la televisión.
<em>My favorite show.</em>
<em>My favorite television show is "friends", it is a comedy of the nineties and deals with six friends who live in New York and face all kinds of situations while taking on their new stage of life as adults. I like it a lot because it's fun and I usually laugh a lot with the things that happen to them, but also because sometimes I feel identified with the things they have to face. It is one of the best television series and this year marks 25 years of being broadcast.</em>
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<em>In this series, several well-known actors and actresses such as Jennifer Aniston and Corney Cox began their acting career, who have worked in other important roles in film and television.</em>
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<em>For this and many other things "Friends" is my favorite television series.</em>
Espero esta redacción pueda ayudarte.