The show’s title is China Beach, which was a television series set in a hospital during the Vietnam War. It was aired from 1988 to 2001. The actress who won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series was Marg Helgenberger. She won in 1990 for her role as a part-time prostitute who is also a volunteer, Karen Charlene "K.C." Koloski.
They are only generated by Wireshark.
Search for it in the start menu. Once you find it, right click and press "Pin to taskbar."
She should use a condition-controlled loop. Because it uses a True/False and it will not continue until the task is done
speed = float(input("Enter the speed: "))
hours = int(input("Enter the hours: "))
distance = 0
for i in range(hours):
distance += speed * 1
print("The distance after " + str(i+1) + ". hour(s): " + str(distance))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the speed and the hours
Initialize the distance as 0
Create a for loop that iterates hours times. Inside the loop, calculate the cumulative distance traveled at the end of each hour and print it (Note that the distance = speed x hour)