Answer: a. What motivates people.
According to the doctrine of Psychologism Egoism, people are always motivated to act following their own interests, meaning that all human motivation is egoistic. This theory, therefore, is about what motivates people´s actions. Is not about what is good and right, as the motivation is considered ultimately egoistic. The theory establishes no relation between motivations and religion, nor normative ethics, or specific rules as deontology would suggest.
In most places they celebrate Easter because it was when Jesus the son of god had risen
Easter and Good Friday in Philippines are indeed celebrated in a unique way. The most striking feature in the Easter celebration is that Filipinos whip themselves and wear crowns of thorns. Some even choose to nail their hands and feet to a wood to represent the crucifixion of Jesus.
Anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise consists of performing high-intensity activities such as run, doing sit-ups, or any exercise that requires a lot of effort for a short time. Muscles trained with anaerobic exercise offer greater performance when performing activities of short duration and great intensity.
It's demeaning
Bill O'Reiley was suggesting on his show that there are specific classes that are already categorized as upper lower and middle in the UK and India. He based the formation of a formation of an underclass by polling Americans and realizing that 57% of them are doing badly financially and the state of the economy was most concerning to them. The most poignant of facts is that the education system which is the second highest investment in the world but the students are performing poorly on tests anyway.
Conspiracy theorists claim that the minority students are being treated differently by a group in advocate of education, PEG. The minorities are made to believe that they are entitled and do not need to obey rules as the white children do. For this reason, an "underclass" is being created since minority children in school are not being held to the higher standard as the white children are.
This of course, is only his opinion, and the reason for creating such an, "underclass" is multifaceted and not from a single cause. On the other hand, referring to a group of people as "underclass" is demeaning and derogatory to say the least.