Technically true, If a poet were to fall asleep and had this dream and remembered it to turn it into a story then yes i think its true
Note the use fitzgerald makes of the weather as a background for significant events. ... Gatsby has made some changes in his lifestyle that so concerned nick that he went to check on him. ... What startling discovery does Tom make shortly after lunch?In what way is each of the major characters involved in the tragedy that occurs at the end of the chapter? Daisy, Tom's wife was driving the car that killed Tom's mistress Myrtle. ... But, Jordan and Nick are involved because neither one of them said anything, about the actions Gatsby and Daisy committed.
is this good? -Nix
“Family is the heart of a home.”
“The family – that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.”
March 1918, over 100 soldiers at camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas came down with it