Illustration means "making ideas clearer by giving examples or by using. diagrams or pictures". An example is always one of a larger "set" or "class", eg Mercury is an. example of an element. Exemplification and illustration are common techniques in academic writing.
A clue to cause and effect would be the word "since" as it starts a cause for something,a reason for something to happen
c. To shape into a conclusive decision
According to the given excerpt, the narrator talks about a fitting tribute to a man who has done much to explain the wonders of the world to people. In the corresponding line, it is said that figuring out the new name was easy.
Therefore, based on context, figuring most nearly means to shape into a conclusive decision.
1) —— I’m going to leave this classroom
2)——I will by a McDonald’s
3)——I won’t be going for a run
4)——I want to run a marathon
5)—— I’m going to run
6)——I will tell them I love them
7)—— I will get another
8)—— I’m going to chill
9)——I will watch tv
10)—— I will do my very best
11)—— I will try me best to focus
12)—— I will be extremely happy
13)—— I will get another for assurance that I won’t be without a job
14)—— I will think about how it will effect my life schedule
15)—— I shall relax
16)—- I will get myself a tan
17)—— I will keep practicing
18)—— I will have a short break then continue with it afterwards
19)—— I will go to sleep earlier tonight
Answer: A
Explanation: A sounds the best and makes the most sense given the four choices.