Mark's dog ran 3 4 of a mile in 1 4 of an hour. Compute the unit rate from the complex fraction 3 4 1 4 miles per hour.
Education empowers a person by creating more employment opportunities, securing a higher income, developing problem-solving skills, and by providing a a prosperous happy life.
Education empowers a person by opening doors to the job market, combating inequality, fostering solidarity, and promoting environmental stewardship. Education empowers people with the knowledge, skills and values they need to thrive and build a better world.
La contextualización nos habla de una simple relación entre si de algo o alguien, el cual se complementa, es decir que el principal aporte de las culturas es la construcción de una sociedad inter-cultural radica en aportar un conjunto de ideas, tradiciones y expresiones propias de cada idiosincrasia en un mundo multi-cultural, lo que enriquece el patrimonio cultural de la humanidad, y de cada país.
The two colleges that I think are the best are Ohio state and MVNU
I took a tour of these colleges and they are great also u have to have good grades to get into good colleges and u need to apply for scholarships.