Cellulose Digestion in Herbivores
By means of the symbiotic gut bacteria, cellulose can be digested by herbivores with the help of monogastric digestion. Herbivores are less efficient than ruminants in the case of extracting energy from the digestion of cellulose. Here, cellulose is digested by microbial fermentation.
Because your final periods can be irregular, menopause is confirmed 12 months after your last period. It is not normal to bleed or spot 12 months or more after your last period. Bleeding after menopause is usually a sign of a minor health problem but can sometimes be an early sign of more serious disease.
A term for softening of the brain is tephromalacia.
Chest compressions are meant to continue the circular of blood through the body so none of the ads answers are explicitly correct but A pump the heart is the most accurate I can vouch for
I think option 2 is correct