Grandmother hypothesis
The grandmother hypothesis is the result of a further developed mother hypothesis. The mother hypothesis suggests that the energy required to keep a woman fertile is better used in order to ensure that her offspring reproduce.
The grandmother hypothesis suggests that the grandmothers bolster the efforts of the mothers and make sure that their grandchildren's genetic interests are met. The grandmothers' can also increase the grandchild's social circle further increasing their chance to mate.
Technology has made it easier to store and analyze quantitative data. It has led to the creation of software programs designed specifically for qualitative data analysis.
Technology has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Few of notable advantages of technology are the fast and easy access to information with the help of internet, the improvised ways of communication like e-mails, and the gadgets or software applications to speed up work. For the disadvantages, the most noticeable effect is the technology related diseases such as the blurring vision caused from the radiation of mobile phones.
Technology is information that people reveal and figure out and this is why it advances. You hear all the time the “advances in technology” and it’s a term that has grown rapidly. It helps businesses to progress, it’s taught people, it’s in some ways beneficial to people’s lives. It has many meanings and really that is technology simply put.
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A monotheistic religion worships only one god, a polytheistic religion worships many gods. Examples:
Monotheistic: Islam, Judaism
Polytheism: Hinduism, Buddhism
From a statistical point of view, participants do not have enough information. To extrapolate statistical data, at least 30 subjects should be observed to make an inference, considering the traditional quantitative analysis and using the central limit theorem.
The central limit theorem, indicates that, in very general conditions, if Sn is the sum of n random independent variables and of not null but finite variance, then the function of distribution of Sn approximates to a normal distribution or Gauss distribution, therefore, the number of variables is quite enough in size to establish that the sample shares “normally” a characteristic such as “being obese” in the example referred regarding the tribe on the pacific island.