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Studying History is important cause the cause of knowing the past you can acknolage it and turn it into other statements, knowing history is important in many ways cause people built off the history to make the past now in history to the future and planned it out, history is facts from back then telling us what info we needed to know what happened and why it happened to know how our state built off of it. Studying history allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved. Develop an understanding of the World. Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, and cultures, and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. Knowing history is knowing what your past anssestors went through. -Tsui ( i hope you dont mind I took a part of this from a website so I dont want you to be blamed for plagarism for your info) -Tsui
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c. Mr. Able will fear he has an undetected fatal illness; Mr. Baker will have many vague physical complaints.
Somatic symptom disorder in most cases is a disorder that is involving extreme and long-lasting focus on multiple physical symptoms for which no medical cause is evident.
People who have somatic disorder are not always concerned whether the physical symptom has a medical cause or not, what majorly happens to them is that the psychological factors compound the severity and impairment associated with the physical symptoms.
Illness Anxiety Disorder is a type of disorder which involves severe anxiety over the belief of one having a disease process without any evident physical cause.
The major difference between the two ( somatic disorder and illness anxiety disorder) is that If one or more physical symptoms are severe and associated with anxiety, then the diagnosis is somatic symptom disorder; in illness anxiety disorder the concern is majorly with the idea of being sick instead of the physical symptom itself.