The tribal community is GOND TRIBE
Gond tribe people live in the country India. The most abundant number of Gond tribe people live in the city Madya Pradesh. Gond diet has two staple millets – askodo and kutki. They are often day meals in the form of broth and night meal in the form of dry cereal with vegetables grown in gardens or picked up from forests. One cereal that is a luxury for them is Rice. Gonds enjoy rice during special festivals and feasts. Gond men typically wear the dhoti, or loincloth. The dhoti is a long piece of white cotton cloth wrapped around the waist and then drawn between the legs and tucked into the waist.Keslapur Jathra is the important festival of the Gonds. ... Madai is the another major festival celebrated among the Gonds. These people's language is the same name of their tribe that is GONDI LANGUAGE. Their current population is 13 million.
The Russian Revolution took place in 1917 when the peasants and working class people of Russia revolted against the government of Tsar Nicholas II. They were led by Vladimir Lenin and a group of revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks. The new communist government created the country of the Soviet Union.
Augustus was a Roman emperor who changed the Roman empire from being a democracy into a monarchy again. This is seen as his greatest contribution. Augustus ruled for nearly fifty years. He reinstated some of the ancient traditions, built many monuments, as well as advanced the cultural aspects of the Roman empire. Many influential Latin writers developed their styles during this period. It is believed that the Pantheon was built during his reign. He rebuilt the city of Rome. The Roma