Provide an updated résumé - A résumé supplies a reference with easy access to dates of employment, employment history, duties, etc. Warn them when a potential employer has requested references - A reference will be able to give a better recommendation when they are prepared for a phone call instead of being caught off guard. Describe the job you are seeking - By explaining the job in detail, your references will better understand the challenges you would face and see how you could meet those challenges. Explain to them why you are the best candidate - By letting them know how your skills will allow you to be successful, they will be able to relay this information on to the hiring department.
The correct answer is A. Hector Berlioz.
He envisioned his <em>Requiem </em>to have a huge orchestra of woodwind and brass instruments, 210 singers, and it would last for about 90 minutes. It was created in honor of the soldiers who died during the July Revolution in France in 1830.