I believe it's "All, all alike endear'd, grown, ungrown, young or old"
The line begins with the word 'all' repeated then continues to explain who is 'alike' which includes many.
intend to convey or refer to (a particular thing); signify.
"I don't know what you mean"
1. Imaginary people, real events - historical fiction
2. Story in which the words and actions of characters are shown on a stage - play
3. Imaginary things treated scientifically - science fiction
4. Imaginary story with animals as main characters - animal stories
5. Short story that teaches a lesson - fable
6. Exaggerated story - tall tale
7. Story of a person's life written by someone else - biography
8. Imaginary bold, difficult undertaking - fiction adventure
9. Secret or series of unusual happenings - mystery
10. Make-believe stories to entertain children - fairy tales
You were given a list of literary terms and their definitions. There are two main tools that can help you solve questions such as this one: a dictionary and a glossary.
A dictionary is an alphabetically arranged listing of words that contains different information about them, such as their definitions, examples, origin, pronunciation, etc.
A glossary is an alphabetically arranged listing of words that contains words from a specific field with their definitions. For terms such as these, it would be best to use a glossary of literary terms.
Ulrich and Georg Znaeym are the two explorers who went to forest to explore the land. When they move into deep into the forest they miss the way and both of them are lost. They start losing control over themselves and fear overcomes their confidence. They feel frightened in the dark and suddenly Ulrich sees something in the dark. These were wolves but they did not knew who they were. The climax is not really clear and the author leaves it to the reader to imagine the climax their own way.
The interlopers is written by Saki in 1919. This is a short story whose plot revolves around travelers who are lost in Forest. The author has not ended the story with a clear climax. The ending is left for the readers to imagine the way they want it to end. This is usually a strategy of the authors to indulge the audience and readers into the story.