When he retired I bought not only all his big equipment but all his little toolboxes as well—they were treasures!
I took this quiz. This shows his interest and being willing to invest in it.
TAREAS GRAMATICALES SOBRE LOS PASADOS1. Con estas unidades vamos a aprender tres tiempos del español: el pretérito perfecto (he sido), el ... Como has visto en la Tarea 2, para formar el perfecto en un verbo se usa el presente del ... 4. Como leer se conjugan los verbos que terminan en –eer: proveer, etc.
the thing that happens next is when she drops in the water she is going to go look for her friend turtle. i know this because in the story it said "all I want to do is drop in the water with my snorkel and fins and go. but we have to listen to the captain again, even though had heard him three days in a row already" this part of the story shows that she cannot wait to drop in the water and go see her turtle friend. so that is how I know that the next thing that is going to happen in the story is that she is going to go after the turtle.
Pretty much just the main idea
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