In the poem , the poet uses the word ‘dance’ quite a few times .
In the 2nd stanza , Wordsworth had used the word ‘dance’ to show that the daffodils were moving to and fro due to the breeze . It seemed like the flowers were dancing joyously , as if in rapture , in the gentle breeze . The movement of the daffodils had been described as ‘ tossing their heads in a sprightly dance ’ .
In the 4th stanza , poet William uses the word ‘dance’ to show that his pleasure-filled heart started to dance when introduced to the memory of those 10,000 daffodils along the margin of the bay . The daffodils come back to the speaker's imaginative memory — access to which is a gift of solitude — and fills him with joy as his mind dances with the daffodils .
I'm not exactly sure, but the climax is the highest and middle part of the story. So the exposition would probably be the background of why (at first) the narrator didn't like Mr. Duvitch. The rising action would most likely be about catching and replacing the fish.
Im so sorry i guss some ppl are so closed minded that they think ppl that arnt like them are sc.um if u no what i mean
im sorry im bad at spelling