The most crucial to a reader's understanding of an expository text would be how effective the text is written to convey a clear and concise idea to the reader. It should be able to penetrate a reader's comprehension well and establish a clear way to get the point across.
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Fruits are more delicious than vegetables. There are some veggies that are alright but some taste like straight nasty. You should eat more fruit throw everything else away.
Spoken word is when you talk to others and you do not write or keep track of anything. Written text is when you are taking notes and you keep track of things.
Hello. You forgot to say that this question is about "The leap" by louise erdrich.
With the phrase "only the blank scar tissue of a quieter future", the author wishes to convey that although the narrator's mother had a troubled past, her future would be built for tranquility.
"The leap", introduces us to a narrator who is also the main character, who has to take care of his mother, who is now blinded by cataracts.
The narrator's mother has had terrible experiences that almost took her life, but she struggled, she was smart, brave and today, despite her vision problem, she is a great survivor. She had a very troubled and difficult life, however, although the future is a surprise, the narrator believes that surprises will bring more tranquility and calm to his mother's life.