Answer: The third
Everything else sounds and looks wrong. next time say all the answers out loud to see
The translator is an author, a writer who does not start writing from scratch, but from a text written in a language that he has to translate into a different language, adapting it at the same time. The translator not only has to transfer the lexical and syntactic aspect, in fact, a set of words, although well constructed at the syntactic level is not enough, it is not very comprehensible and will lack that "something" that every good translator has to give to the text . The fact that a translated text must remain faithful to the meaning of the original text, without compromising the linguistic norms of the target language, is a key principle of translation, more or less shared by everyone. From this principle all the considerations of the translator and the translation techniques that he chooses are based or have to be based. The translator, as far as possible, has to try to overcome the obstacle of double translation and try to make his version as similar as possible to the original. A so-called "bridge language" is sometimes used.
The date the website was accessed for research
c. decide on a topic for the essay
a. create an outline for the essay
e. write a draft of the essay
d. revise and rewrite the draft of the essay
b. skim and edit the essay for surface errors
In order for you to begin any piece of writing or planning for your essay, you first need to know what you're writing about so deciding on a topic is first. Second, it is helpful to have a general outline or road map for your essay. This helps you to stay on topic with your paragraphs as well as point out any immediate problems with organizational structure. The next is to write a rough draft for the essay. Once you have the draft and know exactly how it all goes together, you can go back and revise for major errors and better language. It's not worth the time to check for minor errors if you end up making major revisions at this stage. Once all of the major revisions are completed, then it's important to spell and grammar check the essay for things that may have been overlooked.