A. Romanticism--an intellectual and artistic movement focused on nature.
Romanticism focused on nature and emotion instead of the rational thinking that came from the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution. Romanticism believed in the beauty of nature and criticized the damage done by the Industrial Revolution. The poem expresses one who has love for all things both man and animal which shows a respect for natural elements.
Balance of Power after the Cold War.
After the second world war, a persistent political conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies came to be known as the Cold War.
What is the Cold War?
After the second world war, a persistent political conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies came to be known as the Cold War. George Orwell gave this rivalry between the two superpowers its first term in a 1945 article.
The idea of "balance of power" is crucial for analyzing the cold war, which in principle was successful in preventing any major wars between 1945 and 1989. Communism vs democracy, USSR and its allies versus USA and its allies, were concepts based on ideologies. A situation in which peace is guaranteed by upholding an equilibrium of alliances between major countries is one in which there is a balance of power. Alliances, territory (spheres of influence), and military capacities were the three factors that evolved during the cold war and contributed to the balance of power scenario.
To learn more about Cold War from the given link below,
Christians received protection
A the British was left with a huge debt
England concerned itself with quantity products it exported out of the country in comparison to the countries they traded with. England did not want to be left behind and be overcome by other countries especially those in Asia. They did not export much so artists and merchants started creating and inventing goods that enabled them to compete with the Asian market.
They avoided copying Asian products by imitating products form countries like France, Holland, Switzerland and Spain (which also traded with Asia) and used techniques that were proven successful methods used by these countries for a superior output.