Three things the framers did to keep the government from becoming to powerful were,
1. Seperated different powers between three differrent branches.
2. Added checks and balances to keep these branches from becoming to powerful.
3. Made it so the states could pass laws that the government could not, an example of this is the laws of marrige for that state.
This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe Britain's economic development from 1760 to 1840.
After industrialization, many could no longer work at their own pace or rely on opportunities such as weaving for their income. Children were expected to go to work in factories along with their parents and lost the time they formerly had to spend with their families. An example of children working in the factories.
The USA is a presidential system, with the apex of power in a President elected indirectly through an Electoral College, whereas the UK is a parliamentary system, with the Prime Minister holding office and power so long as he or she commands a majority of votes in the House of Commons.
Cactus Hill site has human remains that have been dated to around 20,000 years ago. Given its location in Virginia shows that human beings had reached America earlier than this. This contradicts the theory that postulates humans came to America from Siberia through the modern day Bring Strait. The theory asserts that at the end of the Ice age humans were able to cross to America through the Beringia land bridge and other means such as canoes and rafts around 10,000 years ago.