Respuesta: Debemos eligir de forma responsable nuestro gobierno escolar porque serán las autoridades que verán por los intereses de la institución educativa y sus estudiantes, por lo que deben ser fieles a los valores y principios que profese dicha institución.
Plants and animals have to be able to cope with the environment. (An animal that is good at keeping in heat would not do well in a desert.)
Immediate dental consult to avoid abscess formation
The Ellis II dental fractures are those involving the enamel and also the dentin layer. Usually, a yellow layer of dentin is found during examination. On a normal day, teeth affected with Ellis II dental fractures are usually tender when exposed to air and also to touch. Both Ellis II and Ellis III dental fractures requires the affected person to go for dental consultation immediately in order to prevent the formation of abscess.
A civilization may fall if an attack, shortage of food, or war happens. A disagreement in the government or disease may also make the civilization fall too.
It is the left frontal cortex.
The left frontal cortex is responsible for the regulation of our emotions and control of our personalities. So when we experience cognitive dissonance, which is defined as the sense of discomfort that occurs to us when our behavior does not correspond to our attitude, the left frontal cortex is primarily active.