Its actually an totem pole which represents family members from a past, and ancestors.
During the early part of the Middle Ages, kings were too weak to keep invaders out of their
kingdoms. People began to leave towns and cities, banding together in the countryside for
protection and survival.
Everyone had a well-defined place in medieval society. People were born into their social
positions, and there was little chance of moving beyond them.
The nobility consisted of the kings and queens, greater lords, lesser lords, and knights. The elite
class of nobles controlled the land and power.
The lower class of peasants, who made up the bulk of the population, worked the land and
served the nobles.
The clergy was highly respected, due to the fact that the Christian Church dominated life during
the Middle Ages
I think answer would be B
Answer: Western Africa.
Blues and jazz are influenced by African rhythms brought through the transatlantic slave trade that took slaves mostly from central and western Africa to be bought by European slave traders and sent to the New World. Gospel music, the African-based rhythm that later developed into jazz, had its roots in the call and response practiced in the slaves´ spirituals.