Even in good times wages were low, hours long and working conditions hazardous. Little of the wealth which the growth of the nation had generated went to its workers.
The life of a 19th-century American industrial worker was far from easy.
President Lincoln needed a Union victory. He got it at the battle of Antietam fought near the town of Sharps burg, Maryland.
Answer: Option D
There were two armies fighting opposite each other in the Civil War. The one of Abraham Lincoln and north was called the Union Army.
Lincoln desperately wanted the Union Army to defeat the Confederate Army after suffering a few losses in consequent battles before the battle of Antietam. The Union Army succeeded in defeating the opposition in the battle of Antietam.
Both skilled and non-skilled workers composed the majority of the population who lived in poverty during the Victorian Era in England. This was because the increase in urbanization was at its peak where a lot of workers are required to render their services, as a result of this demand, they were paid little and were exposed to unsanitary working conditions.
as we know the atomic bomb is known for ending a war but wich war?, well if we rember who helped create it (albert einstien)he was alive during wold war 2 but not by the cold war, he might of ben alive during ww1 but as a child or baby perhaps the only war were he could the atom bom is in ww2. please make me brainleast
The European age of exploration completed change the world for the next 500 years. The new world was discovered by European powers, resulting in complete cultural, religious and political shifts in the Western hemisphere.
Europe itself was successful in the early penetation of the New World and later by building trade links and colonies all over the world including, South Asia, South East Asia, Africa, Near East, Middle East and Australia.
They were able to develop a huge slave trade, which gave them the money and power to expand beyound Europe.
However, they were least successful against great powers like Russia and could not maintain control over the New World for long.