A woman has to constantly keep her wardrobe updated with the latest couture in trend, and in society where the self worth of a person is judged by the labels and brands she has. If she wears rubber boots they make fun of her and call her "bride of Frankenstein" so he got some hand me down dresses from her cousins who is 3 years older but the dress are outdated. Later on she lives in the west and learns that she shouldn't try to flaw and she should just be herself and what's in the inside is what counts and not the outside.
After college, Katherine became a teacher. She taught school until she got married and had children. When her husband became very sick, she started teaching again to support her family. When Katherine was 34, she heard that NACA (later called NASA) was hiring African American women to solve math problems.
Yes they do because they are the ones that are learning
Sloppy is the word that indicates bias because other journalists might not call them sloppy.
Yes, there are good as well as bad forms of self- love. Such as if you cant look in a nearby mirror while talking to someone. That would be a narcissistic form of self-love. However on the flip side, if you have the type of self-love to be confident, this is a positive form of self- love.