Answer: win because Bill had a legal right to drink alcohol.
Explanation: Bill is twenty-five years which is above the alcohol consumption age. However, if Bill uncle now refuses to pay Bill as agreed. The uncle claims that because Bill suffered no detriment by refraining from alcohol, and that because his non-drinking did not constitute consideration, no contract was formed. If Bill sues his uncle, Bill will win because Bill had a legal right to drink alcohol at that age.
The words absolute Depotism in paragraph 2 of the Declaration of Independence refer to complete and cruel domination. The word absolute Despotism describes leadership by a government that is completely free from constitutional or democratic controls on its power. In the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence the writer Thomas Jefferson first describes how a government should not be rejected for "light and transient causes"; he recognizes that small or temporary problems are not enough for a change of government. However, he continues to state that when there is "a long train of abuses and usurpations" then the people are right and even have a duty to declare their independence.
"Helping elected officials who belong to the party work together more effectively."
sorry found this, and ur questions been up awhile. sorry
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