drill rigs use more diesel fuel instead of coal
On passing through the jugular foramen, the glossopharyngeal nerve then passes between the internal carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, descending in front of the artery. It then passes deep to the styloid process and related muscles attaching on to this bony prominence.
Q: Which skeletal system <u>disorder</u> might she be suffering from?
A: <u>Osteoporosis</u>
Q: What <u>techniques</u> could be used to diagnose her condition?
A: <u>Bone mineral density (BMD) test</u> or <u>dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan</u>
Q: What treatments are available?
A: Medication, healthy food.
<u>The vertebral discs between vertebrae could shrink with age</u>. Therefore, a height loss up to 1-inch is normal. However, if the height loss is more then it is possibly due to <u>osteoporosis</u>.
A <u>bone mineral density test</u>, also known as <u>dual energy X-ray absorptiometry</u> scan, is a well-adapted test to measure the amount of calcium and other minerals in the bones. It uses <u>X-rays</u> to measure the content of calcium and thus strength of bones.
A person who is already suffering from osteoporosis should be treated with <u>medicine</u> right away so that it <u>stops</u> further <u>deterioration of the bones</u> and <u>avoid any future bone fractures</u>. Further, it can be handled by <u>eating a healthy diet</u> and <u>supplements</u> such as <u>vitamins D</u>. In case some of the bones/vertebrae are <u>already fractured</u>, <u>surgical approaches</u> might be necessary.
The coenzyme required is pyridoxal phosphate. It is a vitamins B6 cofactor required for transamination reaction.
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