All the blood that passes through the aorta does not
First off you should take them to the nearest hospital. If they are still talking and breathing well this means that the food or whatever is lodged in their esophagus. From what I've learned do not do the hiemlich maneuver because that can make it worse. This actually happened to my brother last week and he is now fine. I hope this helped you!
Leisure time activities
1. Sedentary activities:
Intensity level: Less than 3.0 METS
Energy spent: Less than 3.5 kcal/min
- Casual leisure walking
- Bicycling at 5mph
- Fishing
- Stretching exercise
- Slow dancing
2. Medium activities:
Intensity level: 3.0 to 6.0 METS
Energy spent: 3.5 to 7 kcal/min
- Walking at moderate speed of 3 to 4.5 mph
- Leisure roller skating
- Dancing including mild aerobic, line, ballroom folk dancing etc.
- Playing softball
- Moderate leisure activities like trampoline jumping
3. Vigorous activities:
Intensity level: More than 6.0 METS
Energy spent: More than 7 kcal/min
- Racewalking, jogging, running
- Bicycling at 10 mph
- High impact dancing like aerobic, step dancing
- Martial arts like karate, judo
- Playing football, basketball etc
Weird question but here you go lol!
If he is showing that he is curious to get to know you and learn more about you, this might mean that he is interested in you more than just a friend. This isn't just about him asking questions, but more so about whether or not he is listening to the things you share with him and showing that he cares about your needs.
If you want more of something, you have to incentivize it.