Debt ratio is basically the ratio between the total debts and the total assets of a company. It shows the percentage of total debts of the company in accordance or in comparison of the total assets. If the debt ratio is high, it means the company has more liabilities than the assets. Higher debt ratio may lead a company towards default.
In this question, 101.5% debt ratio means the total liabilities of the company are 1.5% more than the total assets of the company. This shows that the company's debt ratio is high. Liabilities are more than the assets. In this situation, a company is considered at a risk if precautionary measures are not taken immediately.
Honestly, Bill Can not sue Tom
Firstly I don't know the contractual agreement between Tom and Bill, but based on the fact that Tom informed Bill of the latest happenings as regards the umbrella,
Hence Bill is well Informed.
Now Bill tested his umbrella and they were OK, it doesn't rule out the fact and the possibility of 14 out 100 to be bad, this can be in a form of factory error.
The awnser is A.)
I have done research and all ive seen is to get the court to file bankruptcy
Credit Bureau supplies ratings based off of prior credit history. Companies / banks decide if you are worthy of loans based off of these ratings.
Gross domestic product is the sum of all final goods and services produced in an economy within a given period which is usually a year.
When calculating GDP, only items produced in the current year are added. The house had been sold in 2007. Adding the sale to the GDP in 2011 would lead to double counting.
It's only the amount paid to the agent that would be added to GDP.
I hope my answer helps you