Answer: Factory Girls Association
1832 Morse found a way to send signals along an electrical cable (using pulses of electricity) and developed Morse code. Congress constructed an experimental telegraph line (1843) which 1860, more than 50,000 mi of wire connected most parts of the country. Helped prevent accidents and benefited American Journalism.
An American financial services and communications company founded in 1851; as an industrialized monopoly, it dominated the telegraph industry in the late 19th century.; it was the first communications empire and set a pattern for American-style communications businesses as they are known today.
We need to go back to her house after school
2,211 unknown Union and Confederate
Contains the remains of a soldier who died between 1918 and 1920. Memorial was built on the place where an unknown Serbian World War I soldier was buried. ... Contains the remains of 2,211 unknown Union and Confederate soldiers from Civil War battlefields.