When a guest is complaining, emotions will be involved. The empathetic staff member will listen to the guest carefully, not simply offering sympathy
Answer: E. Task identity
Task identity is the degree/extent to which an employee execute an entire, recognizable piece of work
<u>Monopolist competition</u>.
The market structure of monopolistic competition occurs when there are several companies offering similar products, which even though substitute products cannot be considered perfect substitutes. Monopolistic competition is characterized when in the market there are many sellers competing for a higher market position of some product or sector. This type of monopolistic competition is characterized by free entry to other companies, which makes it increasingly competitive in the pursuit of customer preference.
The firm wins because these actions are not illegal.
The laws that prohibit non physical harassment at work are:
- Title VII which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, etc.
- ADEA which protects people who are older than 40 years old against discrimination based on their age.
Parker should first address this issue with the company and see how it can work out. It is very difficult for someone to win a lawsuit if they don't fall under any protected category. In this case, Parker's colleagues are jealous because he is simply smarter and that is the reason why they are harassing him. I guess that if he can prove with a psychiatrist report that the continuous harassment is affecting his well being, he might have a chance.
I knew a case from first hand about a very beautiful woman who had two careers and was very smart and efficient. She wasn't harassed by men, most men at the office only starred at her and wouldn't dare to talk to her. She was harassed by other women that were jealous about her beauty and the fact that she was probably the smartest person around. Besides everybody knowing that the other women were jealous, and everyone making jokes about who was most jealous, she couldn't do anything about it. She ended up quitting the job and to be honest her life got much better at another place. Sometimes an organization's culture is managed by one or two individuals, and if they feel threatened by someone else, they may act in a very childish way and the rest follows.