Because the others are displayed in environmental landscapes and B is not it is displayed in a museum.
Lady Macbeth's main character flaw is her narcissism. She is devoid of empathy, she is cruel, selfish, driven by power and greed and a master of manipulation. She is able to control her husband Macbeth into doing whatever she wants for her own gain. For Macbeth his main flaw was his misguided ambition, he wanted to be King but allowed himself to be easily manipulated by his wife and other characters ie. the witches, he lacked confidence in himself and gave into the will of others.
The answer would be abstract art.
Estoy sentado en la impecable oficina del neurocientífico cognitivo de voz suave ubicada dentro del departamento de psicología de la Universidad de Nueva York, pero me siento como si estuviera en el médico, recibiendo un diagnóstico terrible. En su monitor gigante, Amodio me muestra una gran cantidad de datos, un grupo de puntos que muestran dónde puntúan las personas en la prueba de asociación implícita. La prueba mide los prejuicios raciales que no podemos controlar conscientemente. Lo he tomado tres veces ahora. Esta vez, mi prejuicio incontrolado, aunque claramente presente, se ha situado significativamente por debajo del promedio de personas blancas como yo.
Music, the art of manipulating the combination of vocal or instrumental sounds to achieve formal beauty or emotional expression, generally follows the cultural standards of rhythm, melody, and harmony in most Western music. Simple folk songs and complex electronic compositions all belong to the same activity, music.