The tactics personality aspect reflects:
Our approach to work, planning and decision-making, how we see the wold and process information andd how we make decisions and cope with emotions. This is reflected on the tactics scale, which includes the Judging and Prospecting personality traits, which are how people plan and deal with the options they have. So, whether a life goal or a response to an emergency, people with judging personality trait can develop a clear and actionable plan while people with prospecting personalities are much more flexible when it comes to dealing with unexpected challenges and people with this trait hold that life is full of possibilities.
Answer: The first one is 4, the second one is 1, the third one is 3, the fourth one is 2.
The italicized word (magnitude) in the sentence can best be matched by the word: size. This is referring to the size of the disaster, that it is hard to imagine something happening on that size scale.
No, her data does not support her hypothesis because more dandelions grow in open areas than near trees.
Hope this helps.