Julius Caesar is described as ambitious by his enemies. Whatever may be said of him, he wants to be well thought of by everyone. He is vain and perhaps self-centered. It. is not necessarily clear that he is indeed, ambitious. He does work hard, as he refuses to stay home from the Senate because of Calphurnia's dream<span> (athough it is because a "friend" has interpreted the dream in a way to appeal to his vanity, making the horrible dream into one that honors him throughout all of Rome). He refuses the crown not once, but three times.</span>
Explanation:We still need to learn more about the religion, government, and downfall of the Hittite civilization. The reason historians don’t know much about this civilization is because either the Hittites were not very good at record keeping or the records were destroyed.
Answer:El feudalismo destacó el hecho de que solo aquellos hombres que podían garantizar protección y seguridad inmediatas de una guerra, invasión y hambre, eran los verdaderos señores. En otras palabras, la sociedad feudal era una sociedad dominada por guerreros.
the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished. Furthermore, California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah. However, The Compromise of 1850 overturned the Missouri Compromise and left the overall issue of slavery unsettled.