<span>A perspective that seeks to encourage people to view other cultures through their own lens is called "cultural relativism". Cultural relativism includes the belief that there is no one culture that is better or worse than another. The cultures are just different because of the mores and values that developed through the history, beliefs, and development of each culture.</span>
Because her services as a nurse, cook, spy and scout were not documented compensation was hard to get. All Tubman had received was $200 for 3 years of service. all the doucumenus lacked official sources
E-Government is usually presented as using IT to: (1) provide easy access to government information and services to citizens and business; (2) increase the quality of services, by increased speed, completeness and process efficiency; and (3) provide citizens with the opportunity to participate in different kinds of ...
Answer:The higher the education the higher chance of that person voting