Practised?) GROUP B: SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS [4 MARKS] 1. 2078. LP Q.No. 10 मादल, सारङ्गी र पञ्चैबाजालाई आधार लिएर 'विदेशी बाजाभन
्दा त हाम्रै लोक वाजाहरू नै उत्कृष्ट छन्', भन्ने आफ्ना चारओटा तर्कवाट पुष्टि गर्नुहोस् । (Prove with your four logics taking the reference of madal, sarangi and panchaibaja, that our 'Nepalese folk instruments are more appropriate than foreign musical instruments'.) 2075 SP Q.No. 10 प्रत्येक वर्ष असोज ३ गतेलाई राष्ट्रिय दिवस मनाउनुको सान्दर्भिकताबारे चार बुँदामा उल्लेख गर्नुहोस् । (Mention in four points the relevance of observing 3rd Ashwin, every year as a National Day.)
<u>Ru really tryin gettin help or just want to ask something</u>
<u> u have mixed many questions together which makes no sense Oof</u>
A person who is bad , who does wrong works has heavy consience and doesn't live peacefully. And , people those who have all moral values,has integrity but can't live peacefully because the bad society wouldn't let him live peacefully because if there are 20 to support him there are billions to oppose him.