This position is called a party whip. He is a member of a parliament selected by his party. His role is as a team manager. He works in the Senate or the House of Representatives. He is responsible for making sure party members vote as a unified block.
Sultan Sulleyman was compared to King Solomon
Missouri, and Maine both requested to become states, both wanted to be free, but Missouri ended up being slave, causing a battle known as the "burnt district" which was due to Jayhawkers of Kansas flooding into Missouri to vote pro-slave, making the polls artificially swell in support of slavery.
Some of the similar ways that medieval university and modern universities are: There were different structures from differente majors, it was arts, science, and engineering which is similar to te universities now. As well money ranks the better place you study. Rich people in those times had the posibility of studying with better teachers like now people who are wealthy go to Ivy League universities.
In addition, they also gave general studies like grammar and vocabulary which is still part of the general studies f your first two years of college.